“The first note was inspired by a sunrise I saw while driving to a client in Dallas from Fort Worth one morning. At first, the Notes were very brief, but in short time they grew in length and told a story or described something about us as a couple. As things took place, I wrote about them; there was no “grand epiphany” that made me start writing them.”
Click Here to read the full interview with Self Publishers’ Showcase.
“If you are a parent with grown-up children you will identify with these tales. They tell the story of the lives of two children as seen through the eyes of their father as they grew up.”
Click Here to read the full review at Whizbuzz Books.
Fort Worth Community Cable used to have a “Books in Review” show where they interviewed authors about their books. When Notes To Stephanie: Middle Aged Love Letters And Life Stories came out I was interviewed on it.
“The beginning notes are filled with the upbeat enthusiasm of newly infatuated love. Throughout the collection there are encouraging observations on life and family, addressing both the ups and downs.”
Click Here to read the full review at Martha’s Bookshelf.